Each year during the World Health Organization (WHO)’s World Health Assembly (WHA) happening in May, the Platform hosts a series of side events and discussions around critical global health issues, raising awareness among member states attending WHA meetings. During the Geneva Health Week, the Platform provides important exposure for a wide range of global health actors, enhancing collaborations and partnerships for future discussions and events.
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The 77th World Health Assembly (WHA), May 27 to June 1, 2024, provides the key convening space for the global health community – including governments, international organisations, civil society, the private sector, journalists, academe, students, and the general public – to learn about and debate critical global health challenges.
In the spirit of commitment to open global health and continuing the tradition from previous years, the International Geneva Global Health Platform at the Global Health Centre (GHC), Geneva Graduate Institute, will organise 4 days of diverse side events during the 77th WHA, starting with the Open Briefing for delegates on Sunday, May 26.
Using the short online form available below, we invite you to submit a proposal for a 1.5 hour side event to the WHA, which should include a 30 minute Question and Answer session.
Two proposals will be selected for events to be held on Monday, May 27, 13-14:30 and Wednesday, May 29, 13-14:30. We welcome events such as panel discussions, presentations, briefings, film screenings, debates, fireside chats, or other formats on topics that explore the GHC’s thematic focus on governance, politics and power in global health in relation to the WHA.
There is no cost associated with submitting a proposal and the event room and technical support are offered free of charge.
**DEADLINE EXTENSION** - Deadline to submit the proposal: Wednesday 27 March 2024, 23:45 (CET). Proposals will be selected to ensure a diverse range of issues. The WHA provisional agenda is available here.
All events will be hybrid and held at the Graduate Institute.
Applicants will be contacted at the end of March.
Kindly send any questions to: globalhealth@graduateinstitute.ch
Proposals should be submitted only through the link above.
23 May 2023
Beyond Panic & Neglect: Building a Human Rights Framework for Public Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response
Co-organised with:
International Commission of Jurists; Global Health Law Consortium; Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Physicians for Human Rights
To celebrate the 75th session of WHA, the Platform and its partners organised a series of events with various themes such as gender equity in global health politics, cross-border health measures, digital infrastructure in health or yet violence against healthcare. The six events gathered more than 900 participants, representing more than 60 countries.