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About Us

Created in 2014 with support from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the International Geneva Global Health Platform (the Platform) convenes stakeholders across the global health community in Geneva to collaborate, capture lessons, gain foresight from evidence and experience, with the aim to seek scalable solutions to complex global health challenges.


Located at the heart of International Geneva, the Platform fosters strategic discussions, exchanges and analysis among major global health actors, providing a unique overview of the global health governance landscape. Over the years, the Platform has gained recognition for its convening power, with more than 20 events organised annually reaching many countries beyond Switzerland. In 2023 alone, the Platform hosted 39 events, followed by more than 2000 participants in over 50 countries. In addition to convening, the Platform conducts capacity-building through courses on Global Health Diplomacy. 


Go to our Events Section to see all of our events.

Through its Geneva Health Week happening every year during the World Health Assembly (WHA), the Platform organises a number of side events as well as an Open Briefing for delegates, establishing itself as the focal point for discussions on critical global health issues. These very intense discussions aim at being taken into consideration by member states during the weeklong WHA meetings.


Go to our Geneva Health Week page for more information.

The Platform offers excellent networking opportunities for global health actors based in Switzerland and in particular Geneva, listed in the Directories of Global Health Actors. These actors often offer exciting career opportunities for professionals to evolve in the global health environment, listed in our Global Health Jobs board.


Go to our Resources Section for more information.

The Platform also supports the Governing Pandemics Iniative in their convening and capacity-building efforts to provide information and technical support, particularly around the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Agreement negotiations, to Geneva-based diplomats and policymakers. 


Go to the Governing Pandemics website for more information.

What does the Platform do?

  • The Platform encourages exchange, analysis and debate among global health actors, and offers Geneva-based actors the opportunity to build cross-sectoral synergies to address current global health challenges.


  • It is a catalyst for convening and critical discussions in global health, a forum for exchanging knowledge and expertise.


  • The Platform strengthens the capacity of global health actors to engage in policy debates and decision-making.


  • It expands the conversation on global health governance to include actors and voices often excluded.


  • It raises and addresses critical global health topics that are important for better functioning global health governance.


  • The Platform translates research and analysis on global health governance into coherent and actionable information for global health actors, including diplomatic, academic, civil society and business based in Geneva and beyond.

The Platform Team


Ellen Rosskam

Platform Coordinator


Erika Shinabargar

Platform Assistant


Tomas Morochovic

Student Platform Assistant


Bétina Zago



The team

The Governing Pandemics Team


Suerie Moon

Lead Researcher


Co-Director, Global Health Centre; Professor of Practice, Interdisciplinary Programmes and International Relations/Political Science, Geneva Graduate Institute​



Adam Strobeyko



Gian Luca Burci

Lead Researcher


Academic Advisor, Global Health Centre; Senior Visiting Professor, International Law, Geneva Graduate Institute​​​​​​



Daniela Morich

Manager and Adviser


Ava Greenup

Project Associate



Since 2014, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has supported the International Geneva Global Health Platform. Now in it's 10th year, the Platform continues as a neutral space for reflections and debates, building on and reinforcing Geneva’s position as the capital for global health governance, diplomacy and innovation.


The FDFA also supports a number of other Platforms in International Geneva (see here).

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The Governing Pandemics Initiative is also funded by Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL) and PAX Sapiens.

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